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What is HeLLthy VS Healthy?

Every day we get a comment our two on our Youtube channel asking us what the difference is between HeLLthy and Healthy. Some of you may have heard this story before in old Q&A or in interviews online but for those that are unaware, this is for you...

We started the channel as an effort to eat out less, and watch our diets, as it's impossible to have a healthy meal when going through the drive through. When JP and I started dating we would pick up sandwiches at McDonalds for breakfast every morning, enjoy light beer and boneless wings at Applebees at least once a week, and of course indulge in the hand cut fries probably daily at the Red Caboose; a local restaurant I used to waitress at in our town. Over a three month period I managed to gain thirty plus pounds.

The weight gain was obvious because of my extreme diet change when our relationship started. So I confronted JP and let him know that this needed to change and after a small argument on the subject we managed to come to a compromise. We'd start cooking our favorite foods that we would be buying at a restaurant; be it a chain or a local spot. The only way JP would agree was if he could make videos to document our recipes. With that we birthed HealthyJunkFood.

Yes. You are reading that right. It was supposed to be healthy. Our efforts to source fresh, possibly organic, locally sourced, and lower calorie ingredients made making healthier versions of our favorite foods our passion project and a positive life change. The first recipe would be potato skins - JPs favorite bar food. We grabbed up light sour cream, turkey bacon, potatoes, cheese, and green onion. Baked the potatoes instead of frying achieving a much healthier version but also just as delicious.

We filmed and edited and then got on the computer to set up our Youtube account and post our first video on HealthyJunkFood.

Turned out the account name was already taken. At that moment HeLLthyJunkFood was born. You'll see that the channel in the beginning continued to be healthy until we started to give in on our diets. Now HeLLthyJunkFood is a place where you can come to enjoy crazy, interesting, delicious, and hilarious recipe videos that you may, or may not, want to make for yourself. HeLLthyJunkFood is a made up word and should be taken lightheartedly.

Now HeLLthyJunkFood is a place for food science, copycat recipes, crazy cheat days, weird foods, and the trends. Nothing we do on the channel is healthy but it's a place to learn and grow.

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